I guess I could use that saying of “all good things must come to an end” but that would only be in a selfish term since Tom and I as well as a handful of our buddies had this fishery all to ourselves. The fact is, this fishery still exists, however it is far from a secret. On a normal late fall fishing day near the Picton area of Ontario, 30 – 50 boats will be trolling along, all dragging cranks behind planer boards or downriggers. All searching for that personal best Walleye.


The biggest difference that we have today vs “the good ole’ days” on this fishery is the pressure on the fish. Back in my Tommy years, the Walleye might have been a bit boat shy, however, they soon got over that big overhead shadow when the right presentation drifted by their wheelhouse.

Now, the combination of a lot of boat traffic as well as ultra-clear water, makes these fish wary. To the point of many just will not bite!


Again, back in the day, our bait choices for late season Bay of Quinte Walleye were simple and effective. Mann’s Stretch 15+, 20+ and even 25+ crankbaits worked extremely well. If they did not work, then a Cotton Cordell Wally Minnow (not to be confused with the Wally Diver) seemed to be the ticket. One day a perch pattern would work, the next a silver or gold would work and when all else was not working, Dr. Death to the rescue!

These older baits either have lost their luster or anglers just aren’t using them as much. We’re pretty sure they’d still work in a pinch.

Nowadays, it seems like slightly smaller, more subtle baits have taken over. Reef Runners and Deep Tail Dancers seem to run neck and neck and Deep Husky Jerks, as well as Yozuri Crystal Minnows, are right there as well.

Bait colors too have changed. One day a simple perch pattern may work but the very next might call for a Barbie, Banana Peel, Wonderbread, Eriedescent, Grape Ape, Cranberry Crusher, Bleeding Hot Olive, Purpledescent, or the ever-popular Baby Doll.

I’m serious here people, these are legit color names and quite honestly, they could all work on late Quinte Walleye.

When purchasing crankbaits for these fish, make sure you pick up lures that dive from 15 feet to 30 plus feet. That covers most of these fish’s range (although I have pulled 10’ cranks with snap weights and caught fish). Always experiment.

Either longer skinnier or shorter fatter baits seem to be the norm and if you notice, there’s a bit of purple in each one… just sayin’!

It’s also a good idea to pick up some suspending as well as floating crankbaits. Often when turning corners, either of these qualities can be a game-changer.

Of course, cranks aren’t the only baits to try. Some people run spoons, some try spinners and I’m sure there are live bait trollers out there as well.

It pays to experiment.

Continue to Page 3 for more of Pete’s Ultimate Fall Bay of Quinte  Walleye Fishing Guide

Pages: 1 2 3 4

10 Responses

  1. Greetings !!! Pete

    I have not visited the Bay of Pigs in about 6 years or so. Mostly because of time restraints but also because things have changed so drastically up there.And now Global warming is going to wreak havock with water temps and we both know how crucial that is to targeting those Big ! Gals on the BOQ. I booked a 2 day charter 3 night stay with Scott and I was pumped !!!! until I read this article about water temps being off as well as the prediction of High winds and Rough waters throughout Oct /Nov .I have had charters cancelled before and it’s a downright bummer when it happens.Hopefully that will not be the case this year.We will be up there on Nov 15 16 17 hope to see you there once again.I have a ? Pete. As kids we used to fish for eyes using Canadian Wigglers.For this years trip I packed several T-60 flatfish single hook models and will tip with 4 inch plastic grub curly tails.I just cannot imagine one of those Big Girls not smacking this set up.What is your take on it ??? Take care and stay safe on the water and hope to see you up at Quinte during our time period.

    Best regards

  2. Pete,in referance to your Hawk Lake article.I watched My Fishing Guru Big AL LINDNER just hammer those big Hawk Lake walleye by way of a Rapala jigging rap.


    1. Hey Michael, yeah Jigging Raps are so much fun to use for open water Walleye. As for the big Flatfish, I’ve only used that size for Lake Trout but I can see it working for giant Walleye as well… interesting!!!!

  3. Greetings Pete,

    Just thought I would give you an update on my groups trip to the BAY of PIGS.
    3 night sleepover 2 day Charter Nov 16-17
    with Lt.Dave Walcott.We cannot adequately put into words just how much !!! we enjoyed this man’s company and knowledge for 2 days on the water.Just an incredible soul.
    Water temps hovered between 49 + change to 53 + change. Lost a fish that had some serious weight to it,probably could have been my PB, we nailed 2 tens
    a few fives and some nice eaters in the 3.5 to 4 lb range.All fish came off of Down Deep RAPS in custom colours that I have never seen before.And yes Purple Purple and more Purple still seems to be the #1 ticket.All fish were nailed just past the Lighthouse up until about 3/4 of the way to the Power Plants.I brought a huge assortment of Reef Runners with me and Dave would not touch them with a 10 foot pole LOL.He does not trust them.Yet every Pig that I nailed up there came off of a Reef Runner except for 1 that hit a Live Target pearch.Like what !!!!! ever happened to classic Walleye slayers like Cordel’s Wally Divers , Wally minnows,
    You never hear anybody using them though I did notice a Cordel Rippling Redfin hanging on one of the boat’s rods.
    Dave said he loves that lure.Anyhow here is my update and If you should make it up there,Good luck and stay safe on the water.One more thing,kindly please ask your viewers to get more involved in helping the Lake Ontario Management Unit ( Picton ) fill out more Volunteer Angler Diary’s. I am from Montreal so if I help all of the time anglers in Ontario should do so as well.Only takes a little time but goes a long way in helping them out. CHEERS PETE ?

    1. Wow Michael thanks for this, what a fantastic update!

      The Walcott boys are such awesome people. Extremely knowledgeable and passionate about fishing (not just Walleye). And those boats are something else eh???

      I found it funny that David won’t touch the Runners… that’s hilarious.

      Thanks again and Cheers back at cha’!

  4. 2 more cents LOL
    Why oh Why do anglers shy away trolling for eyes using all black or all white deep divers.Absolute classic Walleye colours.I can spend and entire week in Northern Manitoba with a supply of black curlytails and white curlytails and hammer all species.

    1. I’ll bet you would have a hard time finding an all black or white trolling crank for Walleye. There are some but not many. As you stated above, with all the new “custom” colors plus all the standard’s, nothing is simply black & white any more.

  5. Check out ! Reefrunner 800 series Nurse Betsy and Dr.Dreadfull.Also YO-ZURI Chrystal Minnow Deep Diver pure white.
    Yes there boats are awesome.
    I have fished several times on
    the 26 ft Wooldridge.Nothing written in stone yet,But Scott
    more than likely will sell off the 26
    and scale down to a 1 boat Charter.I think that running West Lake & Picton Harbour Inn plus a 2 boat charter is beginning to tire them out a wee bit.

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