Top 10 Cold Water Lake Fishing Essentials

The cold weather may be here to stay, but we’re not ready to put our boats away just yet. Not only does the harsh weather reduce the angling pressure in the lakes we love to fish, but the fall is also one of the best times to catch big fish in just about every province […]

How to Read a Fishfinder – Side Scanning Sonar (Part 2)

In part 1 of this How to Read a Fishfinder series, we talked about the traditional (CHIRP) function of modern-day units and, of course, our recommendations as to how to use that particular screen. In this part 2, we are moving on to the side-scanning screens that show the angler a plethora of information, in […]

Top 10 Fall Fishing Tactics

Sponsored By Garmin Fall fishing is one of our favourite seasons to take on. No more sweltering hot days, the fish become seemingly more active, their colours never look better, and they are at one of the healthiest times of the year for catch and release. One of the biggest keys to our fall fishing […]

How To Read A Fishfinder – Traditional CHIRP Sonar (Part 1)

Sponsored by Garmin Fishfinders have come a long way since their first inception. What was once a small, pixilated silhouette of a fish on a black and white background has now given way to the television-sized units so detailed they can pick up even the smallest pebbles on the lake bottom. With complexity, however, comes […]

The Ultimate Livescope Combo

LiveScope, LiveScope, LiveScope… does anybody talk old-school fish finders anymore? NOPE! It certainly seems like forward-viewing sonar technology is the be-all, end-all in the modern-day fishing world. And for the most part, we agree. However, we must not forget the remaining functions of these modern-day marvels called chart plotters. In this video, we explain how […]


Presented by Garmin Although many of the top “record” fish in the world were caught years ago, they all had a certain method to their madness when it comes to technique.  Today’s anglers have so much more to work with, ESPECIALLY with the amazing electronics that are mounted to so many fishing boats. We can […]

Livescope Lessons – Forward View vs Down View vs. Perspective View

Presented by Garmin Ang – “I’m wondering if forward view is our best bet right now”?  Pete – “Agreed, we’re on em’ good here, let’s change it to down view”! Ang – “You know that perspective will give us the best “perspective” right?” The above scenario, of course, deals with the viewing modes of Garmin’s […]

10 Garmin Screenshots And What They Mean

Presented by Garmin As those who have been following along on our Instagram can surely attest, we here at Fish’n Canada love our screenshots. This is not just because the high-definition screens of our Garmin units are so nice to look at, but because they are a great learning tool. Countless times have we returned […]

The Ultimate Guide to Ice Fishing Tip-Ups

Presented by Garmin If ice fishing is viewed as a slow sport, it is only by those who have never fished a tip-up. Though they may seem simple on their surface, few things in the fishing world match the excitement of a tripped tip-up flag, bringing grown men and women to their feet as fast […]

High-Tech Hardwater – How to Use LiveScope for Ice Fishing

Sponsored by Garmin LiveScope has changed the game of ice fishing and, frankly, we don’t know if we can ever go back. Even to this day, every trip out onto the ice with this technology brings with it a host of new learning experiences that are allowing us to understand more and more what these […]