Kevin Callan’s Classic Camp Gear

Maybe I shouldn’t have cleaned my gear shed. Finding a camp mug I’d used back in days of my high school “outers club,” or watching VHS tapes of past camping trips, really got me thinking. It’s obvious that things change. It’s a natural process. Heck, twenty years ago I had a mullet and wore John […]

Paddling A Canoe: Solo Canoe Paddling Tips

There’s an art to paddling a canoe solo. But once you’ve mastered it, the wilderness is your oyster. Imagine how many remote fish-filled lakes are just waiting for you. Check out this video of some of my solo canoe paddling tips: The Goony and the J-Stroke There are a number of innovations when it comes […]

My Love Affair With the Prospector

The number one question I get is what’s the best canoe to fish from. You’d think the answer would be complicated. There’s dozens of makes and models, just like motorboats, tents, and RVs. But the choice is easy for me. It’s a prospector – hands down. My first canoe was found at the dump. It […]