This is going to be a tough one because you can only pick one answer: What is Your Favourite Species to Catch?

Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below. Be sure to leave a comment letting us know why you chose your answer!

Don’t forget to tune into the Livestream on Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:00 PM EST to see the final results presented.

FINAL RESULTS – November 3rd, 2020

We loved this poll question and on this one, we pretty much predicted the first-place finisher. Walleye have seemingly taken over as Canada’s most popular gamefish. It was not that long ago that trout in general, was the nation’s favourite fish to catch but as our results show, they have moved down the list. To us, the most surprising stat was how close Bass and Trout were. Specific Trout species lovers i.e. Steelheaders might say it is an unfair comparison in that we used both Largemouth and Smallmouth however we simply said Trout, meaning Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Lake, Bull, etc. With this said, it might be viewed as unfair in the reverse comparison; 5+ species vs. 2.

Pike at only 2% higher over Muskie is another one that kind of made us look twice. That one is likely due to the allure of the mighty Muskie as compared to the poor misunderstood “snakes, snot rockets, slew sharks” and so on.

Salmon being in the limited numbers and locations that they are in, didn’t surprise us.

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