National Lifejacket Day – Is It Time for Change?

For us at Fish’n Canada, our hearts sink in our chests whenever we read about a death on the water (like the CBC story we shared just earlier today about young Joshua Steinburg—just eleven-years-old when he tragically lost his life). As parents and grandparents, it’s difficult to imagine the pain of such a loss. Especially […]

Angelo Viola, the Fishologist

After a career that spans almost four decades, I’ve decided to change my role in life. I will no longer respond to “the fishing dude” nor “that guy who catches fish” nor (god forbid) “the fishing pro.” Nope. From this day forward I will be known as a Fishologist. That is correct—in the future, please […]

AC/DC Fly Fishing Reel

Hey, are you a rocker? Are you a roller? Are you a right-out-of-controller? Are you a wheeler? A dealer? A wicked woman-stealer? Well, if you are any of the above, if you’re an AC/DC fan, if you’re a fly fisher, and if you have a hefty bank-roll, then have I found the fishing reel for […]

Egg Poachers

Have you ever seen a Rainbow or Steelhead Trout lying in the grass on the bank of your favourite creek or river well before opening day of Trout season? Maybe the poor little gal in the featured image jumped ten, twenty, or even thirty feet out of the water and into the bush “just because”? […]

Kids Need The Outdoors

These are exciting times at Fish’n Canada—we’ve finally launched our new and vastly improved website! It just dawned on me, if you’re reading this it means that you already know that. So let me just welcome you back to Fish’n Canada’s digital home. For those of you who may be newbies here on this site, […]

Why Bass Is The Money Fish

Attention anglers who love Bass fishing! The secret is out: On most days last summer you were badly outsmarted by a creature with a brain the size of a chickpea. But hey, don’t feel bad. You weren’t alone. According to a recent government report, there are over one million of us that chase that little […]

Topwater Fishing, Why I Love It

I don’t think this will come as much of a shock to anyone that knows me, but my favourite presentation for Smallmouth Bass is topwater. Now here’s something that you might not know: I use it as much in deep water as I do shallow. Shallow and deep are relative terms, of course, but let’s […]