Good Old Fall Bass Fishing Competition – The Happy Camper

One of my favourite YouTube channels is Paddleheads It’s hosted by Ben Kelly and Adam Macrae. They’re both canoeists, as well as anglers. That’s a rarity in the paddling community. I prefer canoeing and fishing as well, so I jumped at the chance to join them on their latest outing to one of their favourite […]

How to Choose the Perfect Campsite

Is camping your favorite type of vacation? There’s nothing quite like getting up close and personal with nature! But don’t think that you can pitch a tent anywhere in the woods and have a relaxed and worry-free camping experience.  Where you camp can make or break your holiday. Choosing the wrong campsite can put you […]

10 Key Take-Aways from our Conversation with a Tick and Lyme Disease Expert

Presented by Garmin Spring is an exciting time to be an outdoorsman in Canada, as fishing seasons begin to open, turkeys start gobbling, and the water and woods return to life after the long winter. Unfortunately, this return to life also means the reemergence of one of the most discussed parasites that now call our […]

Why Super Glue Needs A Spot In Your Tacklebox

Here’s my tip: “Always have a tube of super glue while fishing”! That’s it… have a nice day. To be honest, I believe many people already are carrying superglue in their tackle boxes, however, for those that are not, I’ll give you some reasons as to why you should. Repairing soft baits After setting the […]

Is a Dutch Oven Worth Using While Winter Camping?

One of the best ways to cook a delicious meal while out camping is to use the traditional Dutch Oven. It seems everyone that’s tried it are absolute die-hard fans. However, campers that haven’t cooked a meal with one generally question if it’s worth the weight and bulk. I generally use my Dutch Oven during […]

Kevin Callan’s Classic Camp Gear

Maybe I shouldn’t have cleaned my gear shed. Finding a camp mug I’d used back in days of my high school “outers club,” or watching VHS tapes of past camping trips, really got me thinking. It’s obvious that things change. It’s a natural process. Heck, twenty years ago I had a mullet and wore John […]

How To Make Cowboy Coffee

True camp coffee is nothing but real grounds-and-water-in-the-pot coffee. Bring water to a rolling boil, take it off the heat source, dump in one generous tablespoon of coffee grounds per cup of water, and let it steep (covered) alongside the campfire for approximately five to ten minutes. To settle the grounds, tap a spoon on […]

Crazy Way to Protect Yourself from a Bear

Coming up with innovative ways to adapt to Mother Nature’s rules is what most fishing lodge operators do on a daily basis, but this could be one of the most outrageous ideas for composting we’ve ever witnessed. Owner of Errington’s Wilderness Island in Ontario’s Chapleau Game Preserve, Al Errington, has been working in concert with […]

Camping on Crown Land

Check out my latest KCHappyCamper video about Crown land camping and how to use the Atlas, and figure out what species of fish are in the lakes and if/when they were stocked.  One of the Best Wilderness Assets Finding a piece of Crown land—a place that has good campsites, great fishing, and no crowds—is like […]