Good Old Fall Bass Fishing Competition – The Happy Camper

One of my favourite YouTube channels is Paddleheads It’s hosted by Ben Kelly and Adam Macrae. They’re both canoeists, as well as anglers. That’s a rarity in the paddling community. I prefer canoeing and fishing as well, so I jumped at the chance to join them on their latest outing to one of their favourite […]

Bit By a Pike! – Fish’n Canada Fan Submissions

When we interviewed Muskie Attack victim, Kim Driver, back in 2020, we had no idea the traction it would have. Since then, has become the unexpected home of freshwater fish attack stories, with viewers and listeners from all over the world submitting their encounters with pike and muskie and turning what we once thought […]

Why You Should Keep Small Fish

Despite much of the fishing media providing instructions and gear recommendations focused on catching big fish, those of us who enjoy eating what we catch should perhaps be focused on the smaller variety. Although big fish make for easier filleting and larger meals, the impact of these fish being removed from their populations, as well […]

The Ugly Pike Podcast ep. 118

Jessica Reid is a Masters student at Carleton University working out of one of the most respected fisheries lab in the country under the leadership guidance of Dr. Steven Cooke. She explores the movements of freshwater fish in urban settings in order to understand the impact of human activities on the fisheries. Jessica is focusing […]

Top 5: Brook Trout Lures

To Ang and Pete, the Brook Trout, aka the Speckled Trout, is THE most spectacular, vibrant and all-around unique fish species in all of Canada. Yes, there are rival species that fight as well or have their own unique blend of colours, however, as a total package, the Brookie is hard to beat. In this […]

Behind the Scenes: Hastie Lake

Hey everybody, we just returned from our last trip to the Algoma region of Ontario for the season. We’ve been up there quite a bit this year and justifiably so… the fishing is awesome! This adventure took us to Hastie Lake which is accessed by Lauzon Aviation. Our team consisted of myself, Steve Niedzwiecki, Dean […]

Jigging Late Fall Walleye: Is It A Lost Art?

Now, before I even get into this, I already may have some jigging enthusiasts “concerned” with the title of this article, but it came to me with good reason. In my opinion, the clearly noticeable “late season Walleye” trend is trolling crankbaits. Let’s be honest, the professional Walleye tour competitors, fishing guides, and anglers that […]

The Ugly Pike Podcast ep. 117

In this conclusion of our talk with Musky Cup organizer Byron Walker, the discussion focuses primarily on the highs and lows of muskie hunting. Muskie stories and tips are swapped and, of course, plenty of talk about the Musky Cup that happens annually on Lake of the Woods. The Ugly Pike Podcast ep. 116 (Part […]

Behind the Scenes: Hidden River Lodge

This blog takes you into the Algoma region of Ontario to a place called Hidden River Lodge near Hawk Junction, on Whitefish Lake. The location is perfect, it’s nestled in the area of Missinaibi, Dog, and Wabatongushi lakes… right in the heart of Walleye country and perfect for a Fish’n Canada TV episode. We have […]

Top 10 Cold Water Lake Fishing Essentials

The cold weather may be here to stay, but we’re not ready to put our boats away just yet. Not only does the harsh weather reduce the angling pressure in the lakes we love to fish, but the fall is also one of the best times to catch big fish in just about every province […]