Happy Camper’s Favourite Trout Recipes

I love catching and eating trout. Who doesn’t? They’re the most finicky fish to hook, but one of the tastiest to fry, bake or broil. Here are some of my favourite trout recipes I use during my wilderness canoe trips. Bacon-Wrapped Trout This was one of Ernest Hemingway’s favourite trout recipes. It’s one of mine […]

Freshwater Sushi: Can you eat freshwater fish raw?

Ever since the sushi fad first touched down in Canada, we have been avid consumers. Starting hesitantly, as most did, with California Rolls and eventually working our way up to plates full of Sashimi, sushi has become a staple of our diet and has become the same for millions of people across North America. Being […]

Salmon Ceviche and Tuna Poke | Fish Du Jour

Salmon Ceviche One piece of 6 ounce salmon (boneless skinless) 1/4 of finely diced red onions 1 Roma tomato, diced 1/2 of an avocado, finely diced 1 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro three fresh limes, juiced Half of a freshly squeezed orange Half of a freshly squeezed grapefruit 1 tablespoon of kosher salt One 3-inch […]

Lobster Stuffed Angelotti | Fish du Jour

Lobster Stuffed Angelotti Ingredients 6oz fresh Halibut 1 cup 35% cream 4 tablespoons of parmesan cheese 1 bunch of fresh basil 1 cup of cherry tomatoes 1 clove fresh garlic 4oz of Sambuca 1 cup of pasta (personal preference) 2 tablespoons of olive oil Instructions Sauté garlic and cherry tomatoes in the olive oil. Once […]

Is Perch Good To Eat? – From the Lake to the Plate

I think there’s a great misconception out there that Ang and I release “all” our fish. Before I even came on board here at Fish’n Canada, Angelo and Reno came up with the phrase “Catch Your Limit, But Limit Your Catch.” These two then relatively-unknown brothers in the fishing world were already heavily preaching the […]

3 Ways To Cook Bison

Sean Kelly from Black Angus Blue Mountain returns with another mouth-watering video tutorial. Today, he gives us a demonstration of Bison cooked three ways on the barbecue. He’s got three beautiful Bison rib-eyes—Two on the plate ready to go right on the grill, and a third one in the Sous-Vide machine at 51 degrees Celsius […]

How To Cook Sea Bass

We’re at our new shop, here in the town of Blue Mountains across from beautiful Georgian Bay. Today we’re doing a little bit of a demo for you with my favourite fish, Sea Bass; it’s just a fantastic flaky item if it’s done properly. Normally we would use Ontario fish for this—but the Fish’n Canada […]

How To Make A Great Shore Lunch, Niedzwiecki Style!

One of the most memorial moments we shared at Anderson’s Lodge Tom’s Landing Outpost Cabin was the shore lunch (Well actually dinner if you want to get technical) that we prepared right at the cottage. The walleye were caught right off our main dock! Back when I owned Chaudière Lodge, shore lunches were the highlight […]

Duck Meatballs

Duck meatballs are great for entertaining or even for dinner. This recipe is very easy to make… INGREDIENTS 3 teaspoons olive oil 1 onion, very finely chopped 5 cloves garlic, very finely chopped 1-pound ground duck 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped basil 2 tablespoons chili flake 1/4 cup bread crumb 2 large eggs, lightly beaten Kosher […]

Hot Quails On Johnny Cakes

They like it hot down south. this famous southern dish is inspired by Nashville’s famous Hot Chicken.. its Hot!! the really spicy hot! We wanted to use a different bird than chicken and decided to use quail for this dish. Try this delicious Southern recipe the next time you cook quail. You have been warned! […]