How Winter Ticks Are Decimating Canadian Moose Populations

Ticks have become a hot-button issue here in the north as they have slowly made their way up into the areas in which we recreate. As someone who grew up fishing and hunting in northern Ontario, I vividly remember walking barefoot through the woods to check minnow traps and trekking carefree through tall grass when […]

10 Key Take-Aways from our Conversation with a Tick and Lyme Disease Expert

Presented by Garmin Spring is an exciting time to be an outdoorsman in Canada, as fishing seasons begin to open, turkeys start gobbling, and the water and woods return to life after the long winter. Unfortunately, this return to life also means the reemergence of one of the most discussed parasites that now call our […]

Lake Erie Walleye are in their Prime

If you listened to the latest episode of the Outdoor Journal Radio podcast, you likely heard Ang and Pete talking about Lake Erie being in its walleye fishing prime. Here is where that story came from. According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and originally reported by James Proffitt of Great Lakes Now, it […]

Will The Real Pickerel Please Stand Up?

The familiar shaped/coloured fish in this picture might just surprise you as to its true identity. For starters, it is not a Pike. Nor is it a Muskie. Nor is it a Tiger Muskie. This fish actually puts all arguments to rest when it comes to the Walleye vs Pickerel debate.  We know, right about […]

No Camels on the River: 6 Strange Fishing Regulations And Why They Exist

Regulation booklets are not typically exciting reads but, as we learned this fall, some of the overlooked laws that are still tucked into our books today can occasionally provide some entertainment. Today, we wanted to walk you through a few of the strangest laws we have come across, both at home and abroad, and take […]

Don’t Forget To Renew Your Ontario Fishing License!

ATTENTION FISHING LICENCE HOLDERS, IT MAY BE RENEWAL TIME FOR YOU This is a post reminding everyone that has an outdoors card and fishing license to take a quick look at your card renewal date to make sure that you will be legal for the fishing and hunting season(s) to come. If you are in […]

The Past, Present, and Troubling Future of Catch and Release Fishing

Over the next three weeks, we’re going to take a deep dive into one of the most influential and impactful sectors of the fishing world – catch and release fishing. Starting today with its history, we’re going to walk through every aspect of this fishing phenomenon and answer all the questions that continue to surround […]

Our BC Friends Need Our Help

This morning, I spoke to a good friend of mine, Vic Carrao of STS Guiding in BC, to get a first-hand update on the flooding that is taking place in that part of the country, and I’ll be honest with you, I was shocked at the extent of the devastation that is taking place in […]

POLL: Are You For or Against the Cormorant Cull?

This week’s poll is a question that is creating controversy in Ontario: Are You For or Against the Cormorant Cull? Let us know what you think by voting in the poll below. Be sure to leave a comment letting us know why you chose your answer! Don’t forget to tune into the Livestream on Tuesday, […]

The First-Ever “Official” Atlantic Canada Largemouth Bass

Update: The original post indicated that Largemouth Bass have been in the St. John River since the late nineteenth century. In fact, Smallmouth Bass have been in the river since then—1890, to be exact. Largemouth have been in the river for only the last fifteen years.  After many years of competitive angling, my interest in […]