Jigging Late Fall Walleye: Is It A Lost Art?

Now, before I even get into this, I already may have some jigging enthusiasts “concerned” with the title of this article, but it came to me with good reason. In my opinion, the clearly noticeable “late season Walleye” trend is trolling crankbaits. Let’s be honest, the professional Walleye tour competitors, fishing guides, and anglers that […]

VIDEO: New Brunswick Group Poisons Lake to Eliminate Smallmouth Bass

  Those who have been following our latest podcasts likely heard last week that a group in New Brunswick has officially begun their chemical treatment plan to eradicate Smallmouth Bass from the Miramichi watershed. For those who aren’t aware, the Smallmouth Bass is considered, by some, a threat to the native population of Atlantic Salmon […]

Baitrunner Reels VS Big Pit Reels for Carp: The Great Carp Gear Battle

INTRODUCTION Having the proper tackle when you are pursuing a specific species is a huge determinant of one’s success. This means that having a suitable rod, reel, line weight, and terminal tackle for the fish you are pursuing makes for a more successful and enjoyable angling experience. Let’s focus on a REEL key component that […]

Owning a Northern Fishing Lodge – The Joy, Trials and Tribulations

In the winter of 2009, I left my sheet metal fabrication and welding shop behind, and I bought the Chaudière Lodge. For me, owning a fishing lodge was a journey that filled the last decade of my life with joy and a sense of accomplishment. But also a ton of stress.   There was nothing more fulfilling […]

Fishing is a Head Game: The Importance of Confidence

Most of us are familiar with sports psychology and the vital role it plays in the lives and successes of today’s professional athletes. But have you ever heard the term fishing psychology? If I ask you what the single most important tool you have in your fishing arsenal is, what would it be? I’ll bet a […]

Should Carp In Ontario Be Considered A Sportfish?

Today is going to be a day that you will either be for or against what I’m about to say. “Carp in Ontario should be considered a sportfish”. This is a firm belief of mine, ever since the first Fish’n Canada Carp Cup that we hosted. Carp fishing has been something that really gets hold […]

The Hardwater Code: A Guide to Ice Fishing Etiquette

Etiquette: the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. Oxford All sports and pastimes come with their own set of unwritten rules. In golf, talking in backswings and stepping on lines is perhaps the best way to lose future invitations. In baseball, no player would dream […]

The Ethical Case for Catch and Release Fishing

This is Part 3 in our series on catch and release fishing. In our first article, we looked at how a movement that began on the chalk streams of England influenced an entire continent’s approach to fisheries management. In Part 2, we dove into the numbers and responded to the claims from PETA and other […]

The Past, Present, and Troubling Future of Catch and Release Fishing

Over the next three weeks, we’re going to take a deep dive into one of the most influential and impactful sectors of the fishing world – catch and release fishing. Starting today with its history, we’re going to walk through every aspect of this fishing phenomenon and answer all the questions that continue to surround […]

Our BC Friends Need Our Help

This morning, I spoke to a good friend of mine, Vic Carrao of STS Guiding in BC, to get a first-hand update on the flooding that is taking place in that part of the country, and I’ll be honest with you, I was shocked at the extent of the devastation that is taking place in […]