Jay Siemens Interview – Outdoor Journal Radio

Ang and Pete head to the phones and call up fellow Canadian, Jay Siemens, to chat about: having grandparents as fans; the freedom of the internet; joining and leaving Uncut Angling; the psychology of a fishing guide; sinking boats; getting talked out of photography school; Angelo’s brief editing career; playing ball with the algorithm; Darryl […]

Pete’s 2022 Ice Fishing Blog

Let me open this blog post up by saying I’ve never been much of an ice angler. As a kid, dad and I would trudge out onto the barren blanket of the snow-covered, iced-over lake, either spud or drill a couple of holes with the dullish hand auger, and essentially sit in our two designated […]

You don’t know what you got…

You know that old saying “you don’t know what you got until it’s gone”, well I think I have come to know that phrase all too well. Let’s face it, over the past two years, the pandemic has chased many of us from what we love to do, myself included. Now, don’t get me wrong, […]

Our BC Friends Need Our Help

This morning, I spoke to a good friend of mine, Vic Carrao of STS Guiding in BC, to get a first-hand update on the flooding that is taking place in that part of the country, and I’ll be honest with you, I was shocked at the extent of the devastation that is taking place in […]

A Letter from the Editor: Fish’n Canada’s Latest Hire

Writing about yourself is never an easy task. But when you’re soon to start writing for one of the largest and most loyal fishing audiences in the country, introductions are surely necessary. My name is Dean Taylor and I am the new Editor here at FishnCanada.com. My journey to Fish’n Canada started west of Toronto […]

2021 Fishing Season Anticipation: At All-Time High

If you would have told me 10 months to a year ago that this pandemic would be a great thing for outdoor recreational sports and for fishing, I would have doubted every word. However, it certainly looks that way. Hundreds of new anglers have decided that the water seems to be a safe and fun […]

Water, Water Everywhere

Written By: Calvin Pennell As a young boy, I developed a great interest in the inner workings of machinery. Investigating what made these intricate mechanical beings operate, soon became a lifelong endeavor. Over the years, questions and speculations about everything I was involved in, no matter the subject, raced through my head. The desire for […]

Kevin Callan Reviews: Journey of 1000 Miles

Good news. Hank and Tanya’s second book – Journey of 1000 Miles – is now out in paperback form. It’s an incredible adventure! I’ve spent time with Hank and Tanya and their dogs at their Winterdance Dogsled Tours business in Haliburton, Ontario. They truly live an amazing life, and their latest book depicts it perfectly. […]