The Atlantic Anglers Challenge and the Need for Citizen Science

Over the last number of years, I have interacted with many talented fishery researchers here on the east coast. One of the most troublesome things I have learned is how much we really don’t know about our fisheries. Governments have chronically underfunded recreational fisheries and any research studies required to understand our local species. This […]

Chinook, Coho, Pink, Sockeye: Is The Best Salmon Fishery In the World Doomed?

Not according to British Columbia fishing guide Vic Carrao. He says “a word from the west, once we’re clear from this crazy, world-wide pandemic, we’re still open for business.” Phew, we’re glad to hear it. Read on. If you believe everything you heard or read, you would think the West Coast is closed to fishing. […]

Fish Care & Proper Fish Handling: Why It’s Important

Going back to earlier this year I remember stumbling upon a Facebook post from a fellow angler. This post simply read something along the lines of “44% Mortality… Disgusting.” Of course, I was morbidly curious as to what exactly my friend was on about. What I came to read horrified me, a fishing tournament held […]

Chinook Salmon Stocking Program

I recently got a call from a buddy of mine, Sean, saying he just heard that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry was bringing a truckload of baby Chinook Salmon to be released in the Whitby and Oshawa harbours. This I wanted to see; I always wanted to be a fisheries biologist as a […]